Available now on Kickstarter
Augmenting athletic ability
We harness the power of hologram technology to enhance your focus and endurance while training.
Introducing the HoloBike
The world's first holographic exercise bike
The world's first holographic exercise bike
3D portal with 4K clarity
Stunning virtual scenes can pop off the screen or recede into the horizon for lifelike rides.
3D portal with 4K clarity
Stunning virtual scenes can pop off the screen or recede into the horizon for lifelike immersiveness.
Breathtaking 27 inch viewport
The panoramic display envelopes your senses, giving a visceral perception that you're there on the trail.
Breathtaking 27 inch viewport
The panoramic display envelopes your senses, giving a visceral perception that you're there on the trail.
Visible to the naked eye
Train in the metaverse without the hassle of VR headsets. Teleporting to the trailhead is as easy as stepping on a bike.
Feel the trail
Our electromagnetic resistance control dynamically adapts to the virtual environment to simulate realistic hill-climbs and gear shifting.
Feel the trail
Our electromagnetic resistance control dynamically adapts to the virtual environment to simulate realistic hill-climbs and gear shifting.
Your ride. Re-invented.
Available now on Kickstarter